Anything Goes broke our Date Night Drought!

Anything Goes Brisbane

On Friday night, Jacob and I got to go out for a date to see Anything Goes. The last time we had a date with no kids was the night before I had Phoebe. After a massive year of change and finding our feet with our three young girls, the date was long overdue.

Nuffnang sent an email asking for bloggers to write why they would like to go see Anything Goes and my email was along the lines of wanting to break the date night drought. When I got the email last Wednesday to say I was going, I jumped up and down.

The last time Jacob and I saw a musical was when we saw Mary Poppins. We are fans of going to see live shows and we used to perform in them pre-kids, but since we’ve had kids, it’s been one of those things that we stopped doing due to time and budget.

Child-free date! Can you tell we're happy?!
Child-free date! Can you tell we’re happy?!

I was able to book my mum to babysit at the last minute and had another chance to wear my new dress, bought for the MIGAS awards. After I received our tickets from the Box Office, I made the mistake of walking into the men’s toilets. This wouldn’t have mattered normally if was wearing my work shirt, but I was dressed up. Thankfully I was able to laugh about it and walk quickly out and head to the bar where I got to meet Karin from Calm to Conniption. Sharing my outfit on Instagram and Facebook proved helpful for all the bloggers congregating in the bar area. They new to flock towards me and my red trench coat. I enjoyed meeting other bloggers on the night. One of the best parts of blogging is meeting a tribe of people who get what you do and why you do it.

Bec and Jacob at Anything Goes

Kicking with Karin from Calm to Conniption
Kicking with Karin from Calm to Conniption
bloggers at Anything Goes
With excellent blogging company and Erin from Nuffnang (left of me facing photo)

Friday night reminded me how much I enjoy seeing a show. Anything Goes would have to be one of my favourite musicals to date. I enjoyed it more than Mary Poppins, The Wiz and The Lion King at West End, London. I loved the costumes, the humour and the storyline. If you’ve never ventured into seeing a musical, Anything Goes would be a great show to see to ease you into the live show culture. The storyline is based on two unlikely couples boarding a ship and finding true love – not necessarily with the partner’s they boarded with.

The musical stars Caroline O’Connor and Todd McKenney. Caroline O’Connor was fabulous and I could watch and listen to her sing for hours. I enjoyed Todd’s performance of his character too. I like to see how actors perform after they get celebrity status after being on a show like Dancing with the Stars and McKenney doesn’t disappoint. His performance is quite amusing to watch.

Todd McKenney and Caroline
Todd McKenney and Caroline O’Connor, image sourced via Anything Goes

Anything Goes has one week left in Brisbane and then the show heads to the Sydney Opera House from the 5th September.

If you’re looking for a romantic night out, head out to see Anything Goes. You will honestly love it.

Special thanks to Nuffnang for the tickets and choosing to give Jacob and I a free date night out. Shame I had a headache the next day. Obviously not used to nights out and need to ease myself into them again!

When was the last time you saw a live show? Are you a fan of musicals?