TGIGF – Thank God It’s Good Friday


I thank God it’s Good Friday literally. Not because it’s a day off work (no such thing when you’re a parent!), or the fact that my husband can be home from work. I thank God for Good Friday because of the Cross.


The message of the Cross gets lost with the excitement of going away for the long weekend or indulging in Easter eggs and hot cross buns. I love all these things too, but they serve only as a reminder to me of the important things in life. I am not shy about sharing my faith in God. God has been a part of my life since I was born.


My relationship with God grew when I did my apprenticeship. I was way out of my comfort zone when I completed my apprenticeship, but it brought me to my knees daily where I relied on His Strength and His Wisdom in dealing with the normalcies of the trade.


God wants us to live our life to the full, but not to fill it with things that replace where He should ultimately reign. I find my best days are when I have prayed and put God first and my reactions to toddler tantrums and blocked toilets aren’t negatively geared, but handled firmly and positively.


To live a balanced life I need God first and foremost. I am forever grateful for the Cross where God sent his only son to die, to reconcile a relationship with me, even though it was my sin that caused the chasm between us in the first place. If this makes no sense to you,  look at this clip that explains it in better detail


We all need God. We are ‘dead’ longer than we are alive. To me that means knowing where we go in the afterlife and who we spend it with is incredibly important to suss out.


If you are thinking of going to an Easter service over the long weekend, GO. Open your heart and mind to what God wants to say to you. I hope you have a blessed and safe Easter!