Bathroom Design Inspiration – Reece I Love My Bathroom Competition


If you are looking to renovate your bathroom and you need inspiration and some cash to assist with purchasing fixtures, you need to check out the Reece I Love My Bathroom Competition.

The finalist designs are simply stunning and breathtaking. My favourite is the Garden Bathroom which screams to me ‘Retreat’ (and when you click on the view button, that is its style title!). I would happily soak in that gorgeous bath all day surrounded by beautiful greenery.

Recent trends in bathroom design have been to create an oasis where you can bring the ‘Day Spa’ experience in your own home. Neutral colour schemes, island baths and chandeliers have been some of the modern trends in bathroom design.

Island bath retreat with overhead rain shower
Island bath retreat with overhead rain shower

The design of the Garden Bathroom interests me though because it’s rare to see a bathroom expand from the inside out. Yeah, I’ve seen the outdoor shower (as done by Dan & Dani and Josh & Jenna on The Block All Stars), but this design with the bath and overhead rain shower outside surrounded by lush vertical gardens is clever and a new take on the Day Spa trend.

The competition is open for voting with two $5000 Reece vouchers up for grabs. Check out the competition and other finalists here and come back and tell me which bathroom is your favourite?


**Please note this is NOT a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.