Making a Vision Board for the Year Ahead

Vision board for the year ahead

Writing down goals and checking off a to-do list was my vision board equivalent over the years.

It wasn’t until I met my friend Lauren, that I began to take a vision board seriously. She inspired me to create a vision board as it was something she did to focus on her goals.

A trip to Costco early last year (right before the COVID-19 craziness hit), Lauren asked if I had created a vision board. I admitted I hadn’t but thought maybe 2020 was the year to try something different. Her achievements inspired me to get my act together.

I created a ‘Miracle Board’ because with the way last year panned out, it was going to be a miracle if half of what I put on the board would happen.

Miracle board above my desk
Last year’s vision board for 2020

Interestingly, most of what I had on my board last year was attained. Some goals have changed and some are still yet to be fulfilled.

Some of the sentiments are the same and have become life values.

What I included on my vision board

There are plenty of how to articles and videos on ways to create a vision board.

Mine is a mix of quotes, bible verses, words, photos and product images.  I hang mine above my work desk and it serves as a reminder of what I’m working towards, or what I have already which I wish to continue to flourish.

Vision Board for 2021
Vision board for 2021

The areas have to do with love, family, friendship, community, career goals, financial goals, health and even personal belongings goals.

Interwoven through this is the spiritual goal to trust God, follow the direction He wants me to take and to keep the faith when I’m out of my comfort zone. I don’t like change, but it is inevitable and I’m learning to accept the uncomfortable feelings which come along when doing something new.

A vision board is applicable to anyone, no matter what you do. It’s a visual plan of where you want to go.

Vision board example 2021

Priorities for 2021

Some priorities for me this year, which are reflected on my vision board are

  • To zone in to where God wants our family to be with community and church. We noticed a lack of church community last year for our family. This had a lot to do with location.  As a result, we are looking at where we can plant ourselves into a local church to invest in the community. While the availability of online church services are plentiful, community and support are so important.
  • For my work, I’ve invested time into career development and I’ve started being  mentored so I can explore other opportunities where my trade background will be of use. I want to move away from online platforms for work because I need a change. The blog has served its purpose and I’m ready to explore outside my comfort zone.
  • We’ve left it as long as we could, but we are going to need a second car. I will need it for work, but also now with the kids getting older, it’s harder to manage with one car to get kids here there and everywhere.
  • Now the kids are all in school, there is the temptation to ‘do more’, but I’m looking to streamline my work life balance so I don’t have to manage so many work schedules. Having a local community means we aren’t travelling so much and can get support should work hours change or lockdown occur again in the future.
  • Interwoven through my vision board is to be kind always. Abundance doesn’t mean financial means. It’s abundance of love in marriage, in our family and beyond to friends and neighbours. The richness of community is something money can’t buy. It does take an investment of time and availability to build relationships.
  • The red paper crane on my board is a symbol of unexpected kindness and a gift of peace. I was given this while taking Phoebe on a Kindy excursion to Queens Park, 2 years ago. A stranger was making paper cranes and gifted this one to me. I’ve since kept it and will reattach to my vision board each year. It’s a reminder to create a peaceful resolution, always.

There are an abundance of quotes on Instagram and Pinterest which you can use on your vision board.

Here are some I put on my board which were specific for me.

Mindset Quote

be strong and courageous

Stop talking yourself out

While there are many unknowns with what this year will bring, a vision board has certainly helped me focus on where I would like to be. And while it would be great to achieve everything on the board in a year, I’m realistic about the timeline.

Have you created a vision board for the year ahead?